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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who Is Afraid Of Modi?

Delhi is a power center. Power is corrupting and blinding. It gives rise to a different class of elites, the kind who use influence as a currency. Now what if you are not in power but in opposition? How do you enjoy the benefits of power? As they say, in politics, you do not have permanent friends but permanent interests (I may have paraphrased). A lot of “I scratch your back and you scratch mine” goes on. Everyone uses everyone else. This beast in self sustaining and incestuous. Atalji, as it is said, was an admirer of Nehru. He also was close to Delhi’s power center even though he belonged to RSS and then Janasangha. He was a consummate insider. So even when he came to power, other insiders (including the ones from Congress and other opposition parties) had little to fear (on a personal basis of course). Rumor has it that Rahul Gandhi found himself in trouble with the US authorities at the airport in Boston. Atalji’s government stepped in a saved his bacon. No one from Congress or for that matter any party had to answer for their crimes. No efforts were made to bring back the black money stashed abroad. Despite his personal honesty and efficiency, Atalji looked and felt like a Congressman in Saffron. Now all this happened when someone as clean and as good as Atalji was in charge. We all know what happened during the Sonia Gandhi rule over the last decade. No one had anything to fear. Delhi operated with impunity.

I am quite sure that if Advani or any other BJP member was to become the PM, Delhi and people in it would not be afraid. Corruption would not have been as rampant (or not there at all) but the guilty would not have been punished, thanks to the Delhi effect. Unfortunately for the Delhi insiders, an absolute outsider like Modi is casting his large shadow over Delhi. This is scaring the hell out of so many people. Why is that? Let us go through the sub-classes of the Delhi insiders and the possible reasons for their fear.

Delhi based BJP leadership: As we have seen that the BJP was all but destroyed in many states. While Modi and his team have resuscitated a moribund BJP in many states, thanks to the damage done over the last decade by the pathetic leadership of Advani and co. we now are forced to suck up to wretches like Chandrababu Naidu. We are non-existent in West Bengal and fighting an uphill battle in Karnataka and Odisha. Most of the Delhi based BJP leaders’ approach was to be the “Not Congress” i.e. win because of anti-incumbency rather than their performance. These people let their so-called allies run the BJP out of those states. With Modi running on a performance platform, these people find themselves at a loss. Sushma Swaraj who has little influence over any voter base thinks of herself as a national leader. Why? Such leaders are being sidelined and with any luck, will not be part of the next government.

Politicians from Congress: With BJP leaders like Atalji and Advani, the Gandhi family and others close to it could have expected concessions over matters like corruption and black money. If, All the Gods willing, Modi becomes the PM then we will have the first true outsider who is not a power elite or beholden to any power center as a PM. With no loyalties to anyone except the voters, Modi is expected to make corrupt politicians and their relatives accountable and bring them to justice for all the crimes committed. This is what was said in a report from Economic Times:
The move is part of the BJP's strategy to no longer treat Vadra with kid gloves. It marks a break from the omerta or code of silence that top leaders of the two national parties appeared to observe for years with regard to each other's close family members. 
(Omerta, BTW, is a code used by the Italian Mafia)
Without Modi at the helm, this would not have been possible and Sonia Gandhi’s damaad would have been treated as the national damaad even by the BJP.

Media: Barring some vernacular press, most of the media is beholden to leftist causes in ways of the communist China. What that means is that communism (or socialism if that fails) for all but the privileged). As was seen with the association of these “presstitues” in the 2G scam, these so called keepers of the truth are as corrupt as the politicians they pretend to hold accountable. The likes of Tarun Tejpal are clearly scared because the man they have vilified so badly on orders of their political bosses, has a good chance of occupying the top job. They will lose the proximity to that post and the power that comes with it. Rumors are that a top bureaucrat was suspended and is on the run because he connected a top Congress minister, the head of a top media house a very large amount of money stashed abroad. Mischief like that will not be possible under “friendless” Modi.

Leftists: This group wants the country to do well on THEIR terms or not well at all. They have a perverted vision of the future of the country and a vision contrary to theirs is often met with deceit / sophistry at best and violence at worst. This group has worked with various anti Indian groups with some sort of a common aim. Three recent articles (URLs provided below) demonstrate the hypocrisy and downright traitorous behavior of this group. They are afraid of Modi because if “Modinomics” starts to work for the nation as it has for Gujarat then the entire leftist machinery will stand discredited. The leftist fear of Modi gets compounded by their hatred for him. After all, the leftists can be classified between two sorts:

a.   Belonging to one group are these so called intellectuals (whose real achievements cannot even fill a postcard) who are English speaking elites belonging to upper castes who cannot stand that they have been bested by a guy whom they will not even spit upon while going from one booze soaked soiree to another.

b.   Belonging to the other group are these Maoist types whose violent approach will be met with firm if not disproportionately larger force at the hands of a potential Modi administration.

Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers: This is a dangerous group with members like the SIMI, IM or men like  Owaisi or Zakir Naik. A potential Modi administration is not going to procrastinate on firm decisions on this group or kick the can down the road and turn a blind eye to anti-national activities for votes. I do not see a repeat of the Kandahaar episode with Modi at the helm. I can see that justice will be done and punishments meted out in a timely fashion so we do not have terrorists waiting in our jails for the Pakistanis to hijack our planes for their release. If this group is not scared then they should be.

Muslim Demagogues: This group comprises of Demagogues like Bukhari, various Maulanas, Azam Khan, Owaisi and self-styled protectors of Muslim interests and votebank politicians like Mullayam Yadav, Mamata Bannerjee, Congress etc. This group benefits if the Muslims voters stay ignorant, poor and scared. Why do you think that there are more Hindu Muslim riots in states ruled by people belonging to this group? On the other hand, why do you think that Muslims in Gujarat are much bigger supporters of Modi than non Gujarati Muslims? The answer is clear. Gujarati Muslims have benefitted from the non-discriminatory and all-inclusive “Modinomics”. Gujarati Muslims are more prosperous and better informed than their brethren from UP or Bihar. That is why the pseudo-secular writ is important in non-BJP states. Allah forbid, if the brass workers from Moradabad start doing better under BJP rule because they will get better power and market infrastructure then why would they need Azam Khan or Bukhari’s suggestion on voting?

While these aforementioned groups have their own prejudices and perceived reasons to fear a Modi Prime-ministership, the only group which should really fear a Hindu nationalist is the group which stands in the way of our collective path forward and national safety.

Prof. Nalapat’s eye opener on the collusion between US state Department and our leftists can be read at:

An in depth analysis of the vicious Leftist-NGO nexus can be read at the following:

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