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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rope-a-dope Modi VS Limp-wristed Left

Rope-a-dope was a technique perfected by boxing great Muhammad Ali who would stand against the ropes, which allows much of the opponent’s punch's energy to be absorbed by the ropes' elasticity rather than the his body. The opponent tires himself out after which Ali used his energy to beat his opponent.

The entire Congress machinery aided by the leftist media and NGOs used Godhra as a way to beat Modi for twelve years. Modi absorbed those punches using his performance in Gujarat as his protective ropes. He won three state elections in the interim. He used social media as counter punches with meticulous planning which in my opinion will become a case study for future politicians. Every move that he has made so far speaks of his political and organizational genius. The Indian political landscape which was in ruins thanks to a decade long inept BJP leadership and raping and pillaging of the land by Congress led UPA, now seems to be ready for a spring. Yes. Time has come for Modi, the Muhammad Ali of politics to wreak havoc on his political opponents.

We have written way too many times on this topic but after seeing Rajdeep Sardesai attack MJ Akbar and Akbar’s weak defense, I felt compelled to revisit the topic. Sardesai is a smart guy and knows that his (and his ilk’s) 12 year crusade against Narendra Modi lies in ruins. Akbar’s change of heart seems like the straw that broke the leftist’s back. Elitist snobs, who speak English fluently, wear fancy suits, drive around in German cars, attend Christmas masses without being of the faith, fancy themselves as the keepers of the Indian secularism, pretend to fight for the very man he adroitly exploits and treats everything Hindu and Indian as an invective finds himself outsmarted and completely defeated by a common Hindu conservative man, a real aam aadmi like Narendra Modi (NOT YOU Kejriwal! Modi is the real aam aadmi). That was the demeanor of Sardesai. I only wish Akbar had done a better job defending his stand. It is Akbar’s bad luck that he now realizes that the best hope for the country’s betterment lies with the kind of man he has deplored all his life and the kind of ideology he has berated. I really like MJ Akbar and enjoy his wisdom even though I may not agree with him all the time. He will bring a different point of view to the party which will be welcome in a party with real internal democracy.

The road to the present was not a smooth one and the road ahead promises to be bumpier. Having bested his enemies outside the part with his own brand of political rope-a-dope, Modi seems to be battling the enemies inside. The intrepid Madhu Kishwar claims that there exists a cabal within BJP which she calls the 160 club. As per her, this club is doing its best to restrict the number of seats won by the BJP to 160 which will enable the vultures within the party to step in and take over the reins. Efforts of this cabal (no need to name names because everyone knows who they are) are evident but seem to be failing. For a pugilist like Modi who has been battling his entire career, this cabal is the proverbial small potato.

One of the things that seem to be bothering a lot of BJP supporters (and rightly so) are the induction of erstwhile Modi baiters. However I am going to put that in the file called realpolitik. Due to pathetic leadership of the BJP in the last decade, the party was all but wiped out in a number of states. To win those states back, ugly choices had to be made. At the end of the day, I have to put my faith with a winner like Modi. Hopefully Baba Bholenath will protect him from Islamic terrorists and the voters will find it in their hearts to brave the elements and come out in large numbers to vote. We really are fighting for the future of the country. We can elect rope-a-dope Modi or any of the limp-wristed leftists. Speaking of leftists, please look at the picture above. Leaders are supposed to inspire. Does this guy look like he can inspire anyone?

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