It is surely is fun watching the downfall of maybe the biggest hypocrite in Indian media. Of course with so many of them around, to be the biggest hypocrite has to be an honor for Tarun Tejpal who now stands accused of carrying out a different kind of “sting operation” on his daughter’s best friend. Even the pimp on the street is shaking his head in disgust.
The way the whole thing went down in Goa clearly indicates that this is not the first time Tejpal has raped someone. The sheer brazenness of his attack on this star struck newbie is indicative of the way men in power in India think. This creep is clearly connected well with people in Congress as well as establishment in India. He thought he was going to get away like has so far.
What he did not figure was with Congress facing certain defeat in four states and not faring in their showdown with the political tsunami known as Narendra Damodardas Modi. How could Sibal, Tiwari, Digvijay could come out to openly defend someone who had his finger in some innocent girl’s vagina? His support in the Indian media who look upon this sleazebag as a moral crusader for the leftist cause is slowly evaporating. I refuse to believe that the women in media have not heard about this worm’s proclivities so far. I guess so far they turned a blind eye to his rapes / sexual conquests. Now with irrefutable proofs including his own confession, they have to face up to the truth: Their hero is a lowest of the low. Some on the media have accepted while others like Shoma Chaudhary and Vinod Mehta (Editor of the nudie magazine Debonair – another paragon of virtue) are still fighting on this guy’s behalf.
Now another sarkari babu who seems to be more crooked than a corkscrew has accused Narendra Modi of improper behavior. This indicted babu Pradeep Sharma is trying to bolster the so called snooping case with falsehoods (alleging illicit relations between Modi and the girl in question) since the whole snooping case has so far been a non starter. The timing of this Sharma’s accusation is curious. If there was any impropriety on Modi’s part why has this man stayed quiet so far? Clearly this man is another Sanjiv Bhatt who credibility is equal to that of a street drug dealer.
Another question to ask is why has Sharma who is under a whole lot of legal trouble (Land grab cases are easy to prove or disprove so if they are pending still they must be valid) has decided to go on attack when Congress and their attack dog is in trouble? Another bothersome thing is the complete silence of Congress mandarins on this rape issue especially when it is hard for some of these to stay quiet. Is it possible that Tarun Tejpal who is a voyeur and a pervert is privy to secrets of Congress personnel and is in a position to threaten them? If that is the case, the Congress is going to do the best to either directly help Tejpal by obstructing the investigation (Is Shoma Chaudhary working at their behest? After all loyalty to one’s boss only goes so far and goes a lot less in case of a criminal case) or by diverting attention (by attempting to besmirch the hero of the opposition – Narendra Modi).
This Pradeep Sharma should be held accountable for loose talk and made to come forward with this so called proof. By his loose and criminally irresponsible talk, he has bringing shame to the names of a prominent national leader and an innocent girl (are innocent girls pawns in the hands of Congress and their goons?). Meanwhile the Congress whose founding father was Jawaharlal “I love Edwina Mountbatten” Nehru should be careful in casting aspersions on the character of anyone. They should remember that their guy has been going around the world sowing his wild oats. Would they want the skeletons in his closet to tumble out?
The story of accusations made by Sharma can be read at:
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