Watching MMS speak on the I-Day function, I was reminded of a scene from a Hollywood comedy movie “The Naked Gun”. The hero of the movie (played brilliantly by Leslie Nielson) is supposed to be a bumbling fool, stands in front of a fireworks store on fire. With all the explosions and fireworks behind him, he tells the crowd that all is well and there is nothing here to see.
A country with such resources (both Human and Natural) after 66 years of independence should not be in a situation as we find ourselves in. Today we are facing malnutrition (worse than some Sub Saharan African countries), crimes against women (rapes, feticide etc), crimes against children (malnutrition, child labor and pretty much a very bleak future), corruption (has never been worse and that is saying something!), economy is total ruins (with an Oxford educated economist running the country and Harvard educated economist running the Finance ministry. Maybe these colleges will ask for their degrees back), food prices sky-rocketing, terrorism and the list of national malaise goes on. With all these problems facing us the guy in charge cuts a very sorry picture. Instead of introspection we get platitudes from the ruling party. Why? Because Narendra Modi has the chutzpah to usurp the occasion from MMS. Because Modi spoke better than MMS. Because Modi called Congress’ bluff and lies. Because Modi dared go against the putrid status quo in New Delhi. Because Modi had the guts to mock Robert Vadra. Because Modi is not beholden to Gandhi family via Nehru (like some in BJP are) and he refuses to do any quid pro quo with Congress. Because Modi was rude to MMS. Because it was not polite and we are a nation of delicate sensibilities. Because Modi ruined Independence day for some people.
BOO FRIGGING HOO!! Cry me a river folks. When you see children dying due to completely avoidable reasons or young girls being raped on a daily basis, it is difficult to practice courtesy especially with lying politicians. And this list of politicians is very long and filled with people for whom hypocrisy is a way of life. Listen to what some of these luminaries have said (My response is in bold black following theirs).
Union Minister Salman Khurshid said the following:
"And is he like khalnayak? There was also that a film named Khalnayak. Khalnayak serial is also running. Ask him about that,"
"I ask him today can he hurt the country's interests also to serve his own interests?"
Taking on Modi for his criticism of the Prime Minister's Independence Day speech, he said, "India's Prime Minister, whoever he is and to whichever party he belongs, is today a symbol of India's determination, aspiration.
"I am sorry that someone doesn't even understand the fundamental basic thing about Indian political ethos.. If he (Modi) wants to praise himself, let him do. But Modi should have kept patience at least for today. Today is a historic day which connects us with our freedom struggle. If Modi has not understood this and has no knowledge about this, I feel pity on him..."
All this from a man who stole from the handicapped. When confronted by Arvind Kejriwal, he lost all his dignity (which he clearly wants everyone else to practice) and yelled and screamed like a bad Hindi movie villain. Man who essentially threatened another mortally is invoking freedom struggle. WOW! The term hypocrisy needs redefining.
Digvijay Singh said the following:
Modi’s abrasive hunger for power has no limits,”
Mr. Singh, please focus on evaluating the Congress women using the scale of percent “Tunch Maal” and leave the discussion of nation building to men with actual accomplishments and those who can see beyond their perversions.
Ghulam Nabi Azad said the following:
, "How can any CM give a challenge to PM? Where is the comparison between Raja Bhoj and Gangu". He added, "Who has stopped anybody from giving a challenge. Sitting in one's home everyone is a tiger..."
I don’t know what Azad has done for Congress to earn his exalted position but the man seems to be a milder version of Digvijay Singh when it comes to making statements. He is little to show for when it comes to real accomplishments as far as nation or any part of it is concerned. This man has taken it upon himself to comment on a real performer and a difference maker.
Senior Congress leader Ambika Soni said:
"We should not bring down the level of politics as far the security of the nation and the borders are concerned. With whom are we playing politics by doing this, with all those jawans, who are standing on the borders. The country will not forgive us..."
When Soniaji gets parched, guess who runs for a glass of water? Like so many others, Soni also owes her exalted position to her proximity to the Family. A consummate “chamcha” like her should refrain from invoking topics she has little understanding of.
BJP leader Lal Jaichand Advani today said that on a day like Independence Day leaders should not be critical of others. "I heard the Prime Minister today...Today on Independence Day, without criticising anybody, we all should realise that India has unlimited potential for the future,"
Advani is giving lessons in courtesy while the only lesson he seems to be qualified in giving is the one on how to lose winnable elections. This man has become a sore that refuses to go away.
Clearly Narendra Modi has an agenda and that is to shake things up in New Delhi. He can see that the status quo in New Delhi is unacceptable and needs changing. Making a speech like that in the aftermath of the PM’s ceremonial speech is his way of saying that the same old same old will not do anymore. If niceties need sacrificing, then so be it.
In the United States, whenever the president makes a speech, the opposition is given a chance at a rebuttal immediately after the speech. In India, the PM especially the Congress kind seems to relish their bully pulpit. Finally we have a man with guts to challenge the do-nothing politicians in New Delhi. It is time someone told the emperor that he has no clothes on.
The article in reference can be read at:
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