Modi has never apologized. “I was just installed in my position the day before.” He had been formally elected and sworn in on February 26th, having been acting Chief Minister for six months, mostly overseeing response to Gujarat’s 2001 earthquake.
Later he told me in general terms about his years in office, “I have made mistakes, and my government has made mistakes. What is important is that we recognize them, evaluate what we have done, and then fix them.” Last September, he led a state-wide fast for “peace, unity, and harmony.” He has started to reach out to the Muslim community, expressing “pain … for the families who had suffered.”
Of course Bhai Narendra should never apologize. If he was guilty of anything then it was his inexperience in handling the government machinery. Congress had been in power for 35 years at the time of the revenge killing / massacre / pogrom of Sikhs in 1984. How long did it take them to mobilize protection for the Sikhs?
Anyway, I have written too much on the topic and I wont do it anymore. But following this interview, the Asian edition of Time Magazine published an article on Bhai Narendra, which is very complimentary in nature. Needless to say, Indian liberals and the pseudo-secular lobby are distressed by it. They carried out a systematic character assassination of Modi in USA and other countries. Indian liberals in the US ensured that Modi would never get the US visa. Of course some of those liberals have now been found hanging out with Ghulam Nabi Fai who is now in jail for being a spy on the ISI’s payroll. So much for the credibility of Indian liberals in the US!
The Congress leaders who are so outraged by Modi's picture on Time magazine are forgetting that the one time Nehru appeared on the cover was when Mao Tse Tung had duped him of the permamnent seat in the UNSC.
After all things said and done, the whole world is seeing what Modi has done for Gujarat. The progress in the state is the envy of many leaders. In weak moments leaders like Sheila Dixit have praised Modi’s administration. Either the liberals cannot see what the world is seeing or they are loath to admit the remarkable work Bhai Narendra has done for Gujarat.
What is more bothersome than the liberal pretension / ignorance is treatment meted out to Bhai Narendra in BJP and at the hands of RSS leadership. Instead of proudly portraying him as the leader of the BJP and a national alternative to anyone Congress can put forth, they do not seem to pass up an opportunity to demean him.
It is time that all right thinking Indians acknowledge what is now obvious to the world. We need a leader like Modi. We deserve a leader like him.
The Brooking's interview is a must read. The url is http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2012/0316_modi_antholis.aspx?p=1
The article on Time magazine can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-narendra-modi-a-firm-no-nonsense-leader-time/20120317.htm
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