Finally, the BJP is making amends for Gadkari’s blunder of inducting Kushwaha into the party. An even bigger blunder by Congress (reservation for Muslims) has given them an opportunity. To assuage the fears of the Hindu OBCs they are now bringing their biggest gun, Bhai Narendra Modi who is a Hindu OBC himself. No better person to convince the Hindu OBCs of the difference between a well-wisher and a manipulator. The BJP are also bringing all their star campaigners. Yes. Finally they are according this election the importance it deserves.
I would urge them to go a step further. They need to project their candidate for the top job. I have proposed his name in one of my earlier blogs and I would reiterate it here – Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi. He is lawyer from Allahabad University with excellent leadership credentials. He has held various positions in the BJP including a minister of state in the Vajpai government and All India Party VP. Among the others are
Member, Committee on Finance, Defence, External Affairs and Commerce, Member, Haj Committee, Chairman, Joint Committee on the Functioning of Wakf Boards, Member, Court of the Aligarh Muslim University, Member, Joint Parliamentary Committee on WakfAug.
Along with what is clearly a superior administrative resume, he also is young, a very good and articulate speaker, author and a well-travelled man. From all his statements, he strongly comes across as an “India First” nationalist. He joined the BJP before they were a national force, which tells me that he is not like the opportunistic Aaya Rams –Gayaa Rams who inundated the party after its first stint at the center. His is a Muslim in a Hindu nationalist party. He would not be there if he did not believe in the ideology. He has not shied away from taking strong positions on Hindu–Muslim issues which may not have resonated well with the extreme right wing of the BJP. It clear to all but a few that India can progress with EVERYONE in it or not at all. Naqvi has spoken against the Muslim demagogues on many occasions. He is a proud Muslim who understands and appreciates the Hindu ethos of the nation and denounces the victimhood that other parties seem to force on the Muslim community. Who better to lead a state like UP than the star of the BJP from the UP heartland – Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi?
A small point to be mentioned here is that of all the parties who claim to be champions of the Muslim cause, none has ever put a Muslim in the CM’s seat. Congress, SP and BSP can scream and shout all they want but all they really want is for the Muslims to be mired in the same problems as they always have been. Naqvi as a BJP candidate will not only be the most capable person to lead UP but will also cause the pseudo-seculars to choke on the irony.
Read the following statements by him and read the articles posted and then you will realize why I want this man to lead UP.
On Muslim demands:
"we want Muslims to look at our socio-economic policies. We want to focus on their education and employment ... Other political parties harp on narrow and sentimental non-issues like personal law, Kashmir and Urdu, and they exploit Muslims by whipping up their passions."
On reservation for Muslims (which reflects his sentiments on reservation itself – signs of a fair man):
"Speaking to reporters, Naqvi said that during Congress, BSP and SP rule in the state, the socio-economic conditions of Muslims has turned from bad to worse. Muslim recruitment in government services has gone down by 42% in last 10 years in UP, whereas in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh it has gone up by 31%, in Bihar by 38%, Gujarat by 34% and Chhattisgarh by 24%. He said that had Congress, BSP and SP worked sincerely for the welfare of Muslims, there would have been no need of quota for the community."
On Haj Subsidies:
As a first step, we stopped the `haj' subsidy for income-tax payees. One cannot stop this subsidy at one go. It is not only a question of India being a secular state, even in Islamic countries `haj' is not subsidised.
On peace with Pakistan:
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that no steps detrimental to national security should be taken in pursuit of peace with Pakistan and people will not accept it.
On the issue of Vande Mataram:
"Those who oppose our national song should better leave the country. Their opposition is a reflection of their separatist mindset," Naqvi had said, adding, "Every faith preaches patriotism. Those who are opposing singing of Vande Mataram in the name of Islam are going against the tenets of the faith.”
On Varun Gandhi’s anti Muslim speech:
The issue was raised by BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi who said while he believed in Hindutva, the Pilibhit "brand" of saffron had left him shaken. He said the real credit for Congress did not go to Rahul Gandhi but rather to the BJP's Pilibhit MP. He blamed the party for not unequivocally distancing itself from the hate speech.
There you have the views of the man. You may say that he is providing a lip service for the BJP speaking only on Muslim issues. But you have to look beyond that and see a proud Indian who rejects victimhood and wants ALL Indians to rise based on their abilities and hard work. Isn’t that what we all want?
He is the tallest leader in the BJP from UP. It is time to accept it and accord the man some recognition and respect. Project him as the next CM candidate of the BJP.
The quotes were taken from the following urls which may be of interest: