Does that mean is a lost cause? No. I will cite two examples which will show you that simple, well meaning, honest and efficient techniques can solve most of our problems. One example is that of Bhai Narendra Modi and the other is of an entrepreneur Sarath Babu. Now if all our netas become like Bhai Narendra and all our Lalas become like Sarath Babu then we can solve the neta – Lala aspect of the equation. All we have to do is bypass the babus (IAS/PCS et. al.) and the problem would be solved.
Sarath Babu who comes from a very humble background (humble is an overstatement) who got his first degree from BITS PIlani and second from IIM-A. No shortage of such guys, right? Wrong. He did not forget his background and set off to do something which is remarkable. Here is his story:
Sarath launched Foodking in 2006, supplying snacks to banks, software firms and other corporates, with just 2,000 rupees (£24; $38) to fund the first month.But with his impressive academic pedigree, he was soon able to secure a bank loan of 100,000 rupees (£1,205; $1,890), and employed eight to 10 workers. The expansion continued, and he now has seven outlets and an annual turnover of $1.3m.
He wants to have 100 outlets by the end of this year - and 5,000 across the state eventually. Foodking aims to offer good food at affordable prices - as well as to create jobs for the poor And he hopes to inspire 1,000 entrepreneurs across the state, who too would go on to create employment opportunities for others.
Sarath's approach is clearly shaped by his humble beginnings. He is determined to provide affordable, good quality food. Foodking's meals cost 20-45 rupees (25p-54p; $0.37-0.84) each - which would more usually buy only fast food. To keep prices low, premises are simple. And while Sarath is happy to pitch in and help the workers out, he's tough on waste, challenging staff over unused chopped vegetables and taps left running.
Is this a solution to our problems? No but it is an example in efficient management which is enabling sale of affordable meals and providing employment while making profits. To use an allegory, instead of feeding fish to the hungry, he is teaching them how to fish. Of course this still is not the real solution. The real solution has been shown by Bhai Narendra Modi. The praise for him in this regards comes from the Planning Commission which is run by none other than the acting PM Manmohan Singh’s right hand man Montek Singh Ahluwalia. As per Business Standard, a Planning Commission working group set up to suggest booster shots for agriculture during the 12th plan – which starts next April – said that Gujarat and Chhattisgarh were the states to emulate. Coincidently, both states are run by the BJP. I wonder how long will it take for Digvijay Singh to brand Montek as an RSS agent!!
Gujrat’s industrial accomplishments are known the world over. However, Gujarat’s oft ignored success comes from agriculture where the state has outperformed all other states including the fertile bread baskets of India i.e. UP and Punjab. An arid state, Gujarat’s started to succeed in this field after 2002 so the Modi haters cannot deny him the credit. With small initiatives, he has managed to make his state into an agricultural success. Here are examples of some of those steps:
First, he focused on sustained water conservation and management programmes. Gujarat is one of the biggest users of drip irrigation in India today, and built many check dams, small ponds and minor irrigation sources. In 2008, Gujarat had 113,738 check dams and 240,199 little ponds dotting the state.
Second, the state launched a massive and well-coordinated extension effort – telling farmers what to grow, when to grow, how to grow and how to maximise output.
Third, Modi completely overhauled rural power supply. Even though supplies are subsidised, farmers get assured power. This contrasts with other states that offer free power, but irregularly and unpredictably.
Four, says Shankar Acharya, agriculture’s allied sectors – like livestock development – were given a boost. This ensured steady and sustainable growth in rural incomes – a prerequisite for comprehensive food security.
Five, Modi also promoted non-food crops and horticulture, Bt cotton, castor, and isabgol. Contrast this with the endless debates we now have about the dangers – or otherwise — GM seeds.
Six, Gujarat made huge investments in infrastructure – especially rural roads, electricity and ports.
These examples clearly demonstrate that we do not need to throw money at the problem. We need to work at the problem like Modi and Babu. For Sonia, spending taxpayer money to win her son the PM’ship is an easy way out to a very large problem. If we adopt her method, we will have more mega scams and the problem would remain. If we adopt the Modi / Babu solution, we can chip away at the problem and solve it eventually.
The Gujarat story can be read at:http://www.firstpost.com/economy/modis-gujarat-shows-the-way-to-better-food-security-160797.html
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