So what happened to those responsible for our safety? Shivraj Patil who is a major loyalist of la Famiglia, held on to his job. After much consternation he was relieved of his post and then given another plum post of state governor. In any self respecting country, man like him would have been investigated for gross negligence of duties. The other politicians were also shufffled around. As far as investigating the actual crime is concerned, we have one terrorist in hand who is yet to be punished. We were led to believe that thirty odd men from Pakistan came in without any local help and committed mayhem. In fact, the next Home Minister went on to coin terms like Saffron Terror and went on Hindu Hunting trip. Digvijay Singh was supporting Muslims who were accusing RSS for the 26/11 attacks. Bhai Narendra Modi was being tough on terrorism and he got accused of staging encounters. Situation was beyond pathetic. All in all, no one was punished. Aam aadmi was left to mourn his dead.
But what did we do after that? In the next election, we brought back the same administration with a bigger majority. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same act and expect different result. We epitomize the word.
Now we are facing yet another terror attack. People are looking for answers. They are complaining that the government is not providing them with adequate security. They are scared. Who is responsible for this mess? Well, surely the terrorists are responsible for the actual blasts but what about the aftermath of it? Please look in the mirror. Yes, we the voters are responsible for it.
We had a chance to bring in a Hindu Conservative government in 2009 who had shown better ability to deal with terrorism but we did not. In democracy, we deserve the government we elect. I hope that the people of Mumbai and elsewhere who elected Congressmen are happy with their choice. I have no intention of being cruel or callous at this tragic time but we have very short term memory. Very soon we are going to forget it all and fall for all the pro-Pakistani propaganda of the Aman ki Asha brigade and relect Congress. We need to break this cycle and vote for a different party in the next election or be prepared to be face this recurring nightmare.
who responsible ? we particular middle class people are responsible for not using their voting privilege to throw out corrupt government out of power.
ReplyDeleteWOW ... thank you for deleting the comments and vindicating my stand that BJP is a party of illiterate religious bigots that can't even stand up to simple discussion.
ReplyDeleteDear Karma Bhai,
ReplyDeleteIntelligent discussion yes.
Name calling No.
That is why I deleted your comments. We all want India to succeed. We are an India first people. We are just frustrated with 50 plus years of Congress misrule. There is no reason to get angry like you are. Of course if you do not like this blog, you are free to read some of the more liberal news which is to say any Indian newspaper.
BTW, what part of our writing makes you think we are illiterate?
Namaskar Bhai,
ReplyDeleteSince you believe the US word on Shivraj Patil calling him “spectacularly inept”, may I ask, do also agree with their description of your Modi Bhai who was rejected the US VISA but was shameless enough to reapply on to be shown the door again! I would call him anywhere between "complicit" to "Supremely inept" in handling the Gujarat riots. I would also like see if you would write a post on how Advani (self-proclaimed prime minister in waiting, for a good part of my life) lied to the nation during 2000 AI hijacking and hostage crisis. Such one eyed analysis and purposeful omitting of facts is unfortunately the theme of this blog. Bottom line: I was looking for some balanced analysis in your posts.
Whats wrong with calling a Spade, a Spade? Saffron terror is today a sad reality in India, thanks to RSS and BJP. Perhaps you would like to call it by some other name, so its not so 'in the face' that Hindu fanatics masquerading in saffron saintly clothing are orchestrating terror attacks on minorities. Please let me know what would you have us call it?
BJP's antics with the babri episode and the recent riots are perhaps the only two instances that have made me feel ashamed as an Indian. It has tainted India's global image and shamed every honest hardworking Indian.
People voted for Sonia (a woman of foriegn origin) twice only coz they couldn't take more of Advani. And even if BJP comes to power in the next election it would be only be because Cong. screwed up not because BJP has any good to offer.
Let me not do wat I have accused you of. There are many things that I love about the BJP. I would like it to be the nationalist party that it is and drop the religious fervor. I love the fact that it's not a dynastic enterprise but at the same time Advani just refuses to be sidelined. I voted for Vajpayee not BJP and so did many others like me. I think that was the last until BJP comes up with some serious leadership and does away with Hindutva and RSS.
Peace Bro. V
Karma Bhai,
ReplyDelete"tis but a pity that you see the similarity between Shivraj Patil and Narendra Modi (the American reaction to them) but you cannot see the difference between the two due to your visceral hatred for Modi. While one is known for his fashion sense, the other is acknowledged (even by his worst detractors and haters) for turning a progressive state of Gujarat into a juggernaut.
Political expediency rather than an actual need gave rise to the term Saffron Terror. As per politically neutral ex RAW head B Raman, the samjhauta express and Malegaon blasts were the work of LeT. US intelligence has proof of it. Swami Aseemanand and Sadhvi Pragya are useful idiots / patsies for Congress. If (that is a big if) Saffron Terror is a valid term then it was initiated back in 1984 when more than 3000 sikhs were killed by Hindus. I am quite sure that the BJP and RSS were not behind those attacks. SO please, when you start bandying about terms insensitively, weigh all aspects of it. As far as international shame is considered, India has no shortage of reasons.
At the end, it will boil down to choosing the lesser of the two evils. Such is the nature of our immature democracy.
You and we are pretty set in our opinions. I don't see us meeting half way and would like to end this discussion. You can have the last word though!
I wouldn't waste my time arguing with someone who concurred with me.