Congress loves power. So much so that they are willing to do anything. Country got divided because of Congress’ lust for power. An able man like Sardar Patel stepped aside despite of a majority backing to make way for Gandhi’s favorite blue eyed boy Nehru. But none of these things compare to the amount of blood the Congress has on their hands directly or indirectly. TO ensure the continued support of their Muslim votebank and Brahmin-Dalit votebank, they rewrote history or at the very least omitted genocidal violence against Hindus. In fact, if it was not for the Indian history on the internet (not controlled by the Indian government) people would not even know about Mappila massacre of Hindus. Congress ruled educational boards have glossed over the Mughal atrocities and portrayed murderers like Akbar as benevolent rulers. These cover ups are being done even today with the help of pseudo-secular parties, commies and the ever compliant media. An example of that is happening in South India. Islamists are killing RRS and BJP workers systematically in TN. Situation is worse in Kerala.
Political patronage for vote bank purposes is to be blamed for nurturing terrorism and the present state of affairs in Kerala. Another major contributor has been the apathy of the Keralite Hindus to even acknowledge the problem. Every political party whether it's regional or national has succeeded in keeping the Kerala Hindus divided. Time and again the national parties like the CPM and the Congress have aligned with religious fundamentalist regional parties for political mileage and exploited the Keralite Hindus. Now the situation has become so volatile that the NIA has to name Kerala as the Red Zone for the enormous challenge it faces. It is clear for the following paragraph of the Rediff article titled "Kerala, terror's own country, says NIA" that we would not make much headway as long as the custodians of law are hand in glove with the perpetrators of terror
“The 2003 Maradi massacre that claimed nine lives has more to it. There was a demand for a CBI probe, but it was never granted. Instead a commission was set up in 2009. Its job was not easy. They established that the massacre was linked to the Indian Union Muslim League, but the probe could not be continued. This was due to the transfer of key officers in the case,”.
A new book, The Blood Telegram: Nixon Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide, written by Princeton University professor Dr. Gary J Bass sheds light on another very painful part of history and Congress complicity in it. We now know that Pakistani army systematically killed Hindus and educated Bengali Muslims to decimate the Awami League. The kill rate of Bangladeshis at the hands of the paki army would shame the Nazis. We also know that bastards like Nixon and Henry Kissinger knew about the Hindu genocide and chose to keep quiet because it did not suit their agenda of using the pakis to make friends with the Chinese. Human rights be GODDAMNED! I guess Hindus are lesser people. All this is not new and we ourselves written on the topic. What Prof. Bass says is that the Congress knew of the Hindu Genocide, YES – HINDU GENOCIDE and they kept quiet for political reasons. An article in rediff says the following:
While the Indian Government was aware of it, it tried to play it down and instead referred to it as genocide against the Bengali community in Bangladesh so as to avoid an outcry from the leaders of the then Jan Sangh, the predecessor of the today's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, says Gary J Bass, author of the book The Blood Telegram: Nixon Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide.
"Rather than basing this accusation primarily on the victimisation of Hindus, India tended to focus on the decimation of the Bengalis as a group,"
"From Moscow, D P Dhar, India's ambassador there, decried the Pakistan army's preplanned policy of selecting Hindus for butchery, but, fearing inflammatory politicking from rightist reactionary Hindu chauvinist parties like Jana Sangh, he wrote, We were doing our best not to allow this aspect of the matter to be publicised in India," Bass writes in his book
It noted that "senior officers like the COAS [chief of army staff] and CGS [chief of general staff] were often noticed jokingly asking as to how many Hindus have been killed."
According to the book, the Indian government privately believed, as this aide noted, that Pakistan, by "driving out Hindus in their millions," hoped to reduce the number of Bengalis so they were no longer the majority in Pakistan, and to destroy the Awami League as a political force by getting rid of the wily Hindu who was supposed to have misled simple Bengali Muslims into demanding autonomy."
"In India we have tried to cover that up," Swaran Singh (the then External Affairs Minister) candidly told a meeting of Indian diplomats in London, "but we have no hesitation in stating the figure to foreigners."
"Singh instructed his staff to distort for their country: We should avoid making this into an Indo-Pakistan or Hindu-Muslim conflict. We should point out that there are Buddhists and Christians besides the Muslims among the refugees, who had felt the brunt of repression."
All this so Indira Gandhi could continue to have her claws around our unfortunate nation. But why stop at the Hindus. We all know what happened to the Sikhs after Indira Gandhi assassination. Congress leaders were personally involved in the riots which killed over 3000 Sikhs. Till date the guilty have not been punished. What about Nellie massacre in Assam under the Congress rule where over 5000 Muslims were killed. What about numerous riots since our independence that happened in Congress ruled states as a result of the divide and rule votebank policies?
Congress has way too much blood on their hands and all for power. Are they ever going to answer for all that? Is the Indian voter so divided and blind that they will elect this party in its current form again? Something has to change otherwise we will not have a nation of our own. People really need to vote these guys out and bring a sense of justice and hope to the country.