An article by a sorry and a pathetic excuse of an Indian by the name of Shivam Vij caught my eye. He has never written in any paper worth its salt. I assume that he was hired by the anti Hindu leftist brigade in response to the latest poll, which clearly portrays Bhai Narendra Modi as the most popular PM candidate. Most of Vij’s article is usual pile of smelly feces peppered with anti Modi invectives like calling him a fascist, a tormentor of Muslims, credit grabber for Gujarati entrepreneurship etc. This article has been written with an ulterior motive. Since all of the leftist-liberal brigades’ attempts at demonizing Modi in the eyes of the aam aadmi have failed, they have to try another trick, which is appeal to the voters’ sense of rationale and logic. Vij weaves prejudices, half-truths and deception in his narrative and tries to convince us that with Modi, BJP cannot win. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for us), his immense hatred for Modi comes through clearly betraying his true motive for this article.
Vij sounds like the kind of Congress / Gandhi family loyalist for whom India comes second. So his article does not surprise me. We have read better quality lies against Modi. What is striking about this article is the rift this guy tries to create between sections of Indian population. Read the following two statements.
"Gadkari is party president. He was forced to the national stage by the RSS. Despite his sagging popularity, the RSS thinks he's a nice guy, because he's after all a Marathi Brahmin, just like the RSS top brass in Nagpur.”
“In other words, North Indian Muslims will keep the tormentor of Gujarati Muslims in check! “
Think about it. If two people have buried the hatchet or are trying to do so, then the worst thing someone can do is bring their differences to the fore and tell one party that the other is trying to act against their interests. By highlighting the Brahmin issue (Gadkari and RSS elders) he is trying to create a rift between Hindus.
We all know that the Muslims will NEVER vote for the BJP. Despite that we are all trying to forget about it and move on in the interest of the nation. By reminding us of the Muslim opposition, he is trying to dig into old wounds, which we have tried to fill with great difficulty. All that is going to do is stir up the nascent Hindu anger against the Muslims.
The question to ask is- Why is this leftist liberal trying to create a rift between Brahmins and non–Brahmins and then between Hindus and Muslims? The answer to the first is easy. If Hindus stay divided then BJP will lose and these pseudo-secular parties can continue their rape of the nation.
The answer to the second is not that obvious. Who benefits from the animosity between Hindus and Muslims? It certainly is not the Hindus. It hurts us because it creates an atmosphere detrimental to progress of the nation and pursuit of prosperity. It is not beneficial to the Muslim aam aadmi because he has to feed his children. The only people who benefit are the Jihadi types who want to convert India into the dar-ul-Islam, which is a different fight. It also benefits the pseudo-secular, liberal leftist Hindu leaders who have anointed themselves the caretakers of Muslim interests.
Think about it. If the Hindus and Muslims made complete peace (impossible task but for the argument sake we can assume) then leaders like Mulayam Yadav, Lalloo Yadav and even Congress lose their biggest platform and become irrelevant. Hindu leftist liberals (JNU types) and NGO’s (Teesta Setlavad types) will also become irrelevant. These people do not mind being hated. But they are terrified of becoming irrelevant. That is the reason the Hindu leaders, journalists, activists do not want any peace between Hindus and Muslims. They also want to keep Hindus divided.
In a Gujarati village, which was hit by the Post Godhra Massacre riots, Muslims helped with the wedding of a Hindu tribal girl. There are a lot of signs that the Gujarati Muslims want to move on and reap the benefits of the economic progress of the state. It is these anti Hindu, anti India liberals who want to keep the Hindu-Muslim issue on the boil.
Shame on Vij and his ilk.
Vij’s puerile article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/north-indian-muslims-will-keep-modis-ambitions-at-bay/20120522.htm
A while ago, Anna Hazare or a member of his group used a mild invective to describe an Indian politician. Predictably, the MPs took great umbrage to it and used worse invectives for Anna.
In another incident, a cartoon in an NCERT book which showed a cartoon of Babasaheb Ambedkar. A harmless cartoon became enough of an issue that MPs from all political parties, including BJP. All cartoons are going to be removed from NCERT books now. Our democracy is now saved. Of course these books have completely wiped out mention of real incidents like the Moplah Massacre in the name of secularism. Protecting the kids is an important issue among Indian politicians. Not from poverty, hunger, abuse, ill health etc but cartoons. This is what some of our esteemed leaders said:
Kapil Sibal : 'I am of the mind that a large number of depictions in these cartoons are offensive and inappropriate for textbooks.'
Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Akali Dal MP : 'These textbooks are poisoning young impressionable minds'.
Sonia Gandhi: is said to have banged the table in approval (removing the cartoons)) when she heard that.
BJP MP Yashwant Sinha is afraid that such textbooks will 'mould the minds of students to hate politicians, politics and endanger democracy.'
In a separate incident, some Professor in Poschim Bongo had the chutzpah to make a cartoon of Mamta Bannerjee. He was arrested and treated like a criminal. However when it came to Shahrukh Khan and his scuffle with the Police, these are some of the expressions she used:
undemocratic" and a "minor" matter had been blown out of proportion.
"It is undemocratic and unwarranted.
"I think that harsh punishment has been meted out for a minor offence. The game should be taken as a game only. I am speaking not as a chief minister, but as a commoner," she said.
"This incident has been blown out of proportion.
"I was not at the spot, but what I watched or heard from TV, it is not a big issue. This is a small incident," the chief minister said.
The irony in this has to be clear to all but the TMC loyalists.
Since Didi and other politicians are well versed with what is minor or undemocratic or a small incident etc., they should know the importance of free speech in a Democracy. After all, free speech is one of the bedrocks of Democracy. In civilized and mature democracies, death threats and yelling fire in a crowded place are the only things not protected by freedom of speech. The press routinely skewers western leaders. Their personal lives are laid bare for all to see. They are mocked and humiliated on a regular basis. Yet the law so protects the people from any blowback from politicians.
Democracy and free speech give us the right to speak our mind and criticize our politicians if they do something wrong. After all, they are answerable to the aam aadmi and not the other way around. We elect them for a short period of time. We do not anoint them kings or queens. Cartoons and satires are acceptable forms of speech, cruel as they maybe. Their importance in literature and media cannot be denied by anyone except the closed-minded. If the politicians are not going to listen to us maybe they will respond to cartoons and satires. Would the Politicians rather have the aam aadmi bring out pitchforks and torches?
India is facing too many problems. Our netas and babus should focus on the real problems instead of cartoons. Banning cartoons will not make improve their opinions in the mind of the aam aadmi. In fact if any of these netas and babus find out what we really think of them then they will hang themselves in shame provided if they have any shame.
A Raja is back in the Loksabha the day after he was released from the prison for a 1.76 Lakh Crore graft. How should the aam aadmi look at this? A cartoon would be the most harmless way of expressing our anger.
An excellent article on the topic can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/cartoon-row-why-our-mps-dont-get-the-joke/20120517.htm
To lead an organization which is nationalistic / religious / charitable in nature, a person has to be capable, accountable and humble while taking pride in the organization he is heading. Humility is important because in such an organization, a person needs to set aside his personal ambitions.
However, if the organization is a state or a country and the leader is a politician, then the rules change. Of course, the person needs to be extremely capable, accountable and honest but should he also be humble? A person who thinks that he can lead a state or a country cannot be a humble man. They have to have extreme confidence bordering on hubris and are likely to have a streak of megalomania. In fact you almost want these qualities in a politician. An extremely humble man, Lal Bahadur Shastri was no match for vultures around him.
Now an honest, capable, accountable and supremely confident / arrogant man can accommodate others who have similar ideology and interests as long as their ambitions do not clash. However, such a person cannot be realistically expected to submit to the diktats of others. Such a person may work well within a party with a strong ideology or some other strong binding factor. However, after establishing their “frontrunner” status, they would almost demand others to rally behind them. A perfect example is the way a presidential nominee is selected in the US where after an acrimonious primary; the entire party comes to support the eventual nominee.
We all know that the RSS elders almost get to decide who becomes what in the BJP. In that way, the BJP does act like they are the political wing of the RSS. Those elders are leaders in an organization which demands that everyone in it submit to the organization and sacrifice their personal ambitions if need be. While that may be a good idea for grass roots level politics, it is a bad idea for a national politician. As discussed earlier, a candidate for PM will have a strong personality that cannot be controlled by the RSS (otherwise you will have a disaster like Manmohan Singh).
If the RSS elders want to stay involved and more importantly, stay relevant then they should ready to accept a person who is honest, capable and strong leader who works largely within the party ideology and keeps the nation above all. The RSS elders CANNOT afford to keep such a person out because he does not submit to their diktats. In other words they need to keep their own egos in check for the benefit of the country. Time after time we have seen that being an old time RSS loyalist is no guarantee of a good leader. Bangaru Laxman (graft), Sanjay Joshi (sex scandal), Shankersinh Vaghela (traitor to the BJP) and now, Nitin Gadkari (extremely incompetent) are RSS stalwarts who have nothing but shame and failure to the BJP.
Even as I write this, there are plans to rewrite the BJP rules to enable a second Gadkari term. Gadkari is like BJP’s Rahul Gandhi with some differences. Gadkari is not as good looking. Unlike Gadkari, Rahul does not faint in the hot Sun. Gadkari is also much more like to make public gaffes because of his loud mouth. Of course Rahul has the backing of the Congress royal family and Gadkari has the backing of the RSS elders. In any organization where capability was valued over loyalty to the decision makers, Gadkari would have been discarded like sour milk. Yet in BJP, he is poised for a second term, thanks to the RSS elders. Just as he did in UP, he will bungle up BJP’s chances in the next national elections and we will have the RSS elders to thank for that. I hope that those elders will have the courage and integrity to accept the blame.
It is a national tragedy that the BJP has a leader like Narendra Modi who has proven himself over and over and is now widely recognized the world over as a capable leader. However, he does not submit to the whims of the RSS, VHP and ambitious but incapable BJP leaders and therefore he will remain in Gujarat. Just like the RSS leaders, Modi has a big ego (and justifiably so) but he remains the best bet for India. Ironically, Modi will be brought down not by the leftists and liberals but his own party people. Such is our luck.
Karnataka Police has arrested a suspected terrorist from village in Bihar's Darbhanga District for a blast that took place outside Bangalore's Chinnaswamy Stadium two years ago. Apparently they did so without informing the Bihar officials. Sort of like the US swooping into Pakistan and killing Bin Laden. It seems that this has upset Nitish Kumar greatly. I wanted to throw your way a few thoughts on why he is angry and who is really responsible.
First of all, any decision to go after any high profile criminal or a terrorist (especially a Muslim) has to be taken by a group which probably has an IAS and an IPS officer along with the blessings of a politician. None of these are the kind to put their careers on the line for national security. So this decision must have been made with with prudence and calmly. The fact that they did not inform Bihar authorities about this has serious implications. The biggest is that they did not trust the Bihar Police or the politicians. What makes it worse is that Karnataka is ruled by the BJP and in Bihar they are the junior partners to JD(U) which is why one would expect the Karnataka police and politicians to treat even more gently because they would not want their partner government to look bad.
Is it this display of mistrust that has upset Nitish Kumar greatly?
Is it because Nitish Kumar thinks that the sovereignty of his government was violated?
Is it because the integrity of his government was in question?
Is it that the terrorist turned out to be a Muslim who seem to be getting a satin glove treatment under Nitish Kumar?
Or is it because this is one more evidence that Nitish Kumar’s love for Muslim votes is causing him to turn a blind eye towards the rapid rise of Bihar as an Islamic terror hotbed?
If the Karnataka government did not trust their ilk in Bihar, then who can question them? To them getting the suspect was more important than ruffled Bihari feathers. What is obvious is that whatever the reason for Nitish Kumar’s anger maybe, he has a huge problem. India is a soft state in dealing with terrorism. It would seem that Bihar is softer. That is a trend initiated by Nitish’s predecessors who were the worst of votebank politicians. Nitish Kumar needs to take strong steps to deal with this issue. I am happy that beyond his first reaction, he has not escalated this issue. If only he could use the same judiciousness in dealing with the real problem.
We have highlighted this problem on our blog before. You can read that article at: http://thenethindu.blogspot.com/2011/12/nitish-kumar-votes-vs-islamic-terrorism.html
The article on the arrest of the terror suspect can be read at: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/nitish-fumes-as-ktaka-police-arrest-terror-suspect-in-bihar/255962-37-64.html
Supreme Court of India (if they still are relevant in this Ravan Rajya) appointed SIT gave a clean chit to Bhai Narendra Modi. This must have been the umpteenth time he has been exonerated. Enemies like lalloo Yadav could not bring this man down. Congress has been trying to besmirch this tall leader for eight years with nothing to show for it. Now some guy called Raju Ramchandran has found a loophole in our laws. This is what this guy says:
"In my opinion, the offences which can be made out against Shri Modi, at this prima facie stage, are offences inter alia under Sections 153 A (1) (a) & (b) of IPC which means promoting enmity among different groups on grounds of religion and 153 B (1) which says assertions prejudicial to national integration," He (Modi) should also be prosecuted under IPC 166 which says public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person and 505 (2) meaning statements creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will," the amicus curiae said in the report.
Wow! He has a Title in Latin. WOW. I don’t know if this guy even knows what his title means. For his benefit, his title means the following:
"... a phrase that literally means "friend of the court" -- someone who is not a party to the litigation, but who believes that the court's decision may affect its interest."
Of course in this context it means loyal servant of the Congress and the family. This guy is trying to do what Teesta Setalvad and Sanjiv Bhatt have not been able to do.
Someone needs to tell this man that in his sure to be doomed attempt in trying to implicate Bhai Modi, he is opening up a can of worms he will not be able to control. Late Rajiv Gandhi, in response to the slaughter of Sikhs, said that when a big tree falls, earth shakes. He did not say that in some secret meeting like Sanjiv Bhatt claims about Bhai Narendra. Gandhi said this out loud and in the open. IPC 166 and 502 (2) apply much more to Rajiv Gandhi than anyone else in Indian politics. Men like Tytler are still in the Congress. The Shahi Imam of the Jama Masjid has incited hatred against Hindus and India on more than one occasion and yet nothing was ever done to him. Men like Zakir Naik and various other Muslim demagogues have sad and done far worse than Rajiv Gandhi and yet are protected by the Indian Law and from it as well. WHY? The answer is obvious to all but the intellectually blind.
The real reason is that the state elections in Gujarat are at the end of this year and Congress has as much chance of winning it as I have of winning the best actor award in the next Oscars. They are a desperate lot and are carrying out a campaign in hopes that some thing may stick to Modi and he MAY lose. That way they will be able to show one victory in Rahul Gandhi’s kitty who has nothing to show but one big failure after another.
Congress is pretending to be the David who is going to bring down a Goliath. It is actually Bhai Narendra who is the David and is going to bring down Congress. People of Gujarat are not going to fall for this sort of nasty campaign and will bring Modi back with an overwhelming majority which will be the appropriate answer to all of Modi haters.
It is too much to ask the rest of Indian voters to elect Modi as our next PM. We are not that lucky. But Gujaratis know something that the rest of the brainwashed Indian voters do not know.
Lucky Gujaratis!
Unlucky Indians!
The article about this latest attempt can be read at:: http://www.rediff.com/news/report/guj-riots-amicus-curiae-says-modi-can-be-prosecuted/20120507.htm
John Quincy Adams said: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
Does that sound like any of our Presidents? Other than Rajendra Prasad or APJ Kalam, no one fits the description. Leaders are supposed to lead and inspire. If they cannot do so then they should at least look the part. Even a basket case and failed country like Pakistan had a man like Zardari who presents a much more impressive picture than Pratibha Patil (his extreme corrupt past notwithstanding). I am only talking about the way they look while standing next to other leaders.
But let us move beyond looks. In my memory, other than President APJ Kalam, we have never had a president whom we could call President with any degree of pride. Kalam does not look good either. However, in every other way, the man is extremely impressive and inspiring. He was a worthy leader of the nation. He is someone who defines the term – President. However, the Congress definition of president is entirely different. For them, a President is someone who can help the Congress manipulate our Democratic set up to their advantage (at best) or completely subvert Democracy (at worst). After Rajendra Prasad, Kalam was the only worthy man. The rest were the kind to do Congress’ bidding is bringing down non Congress state governments, help impose emergency, manipulate the mandate in Loksabha, manipulate the elections to Congress’ advantage etc. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was a master manipulator of the system. The system still continues as we can see.
To suit their needs, the Congress has always looked for loyalists to install in the President’s chair. Qualifications range from extreme loyalty to making Paratha’s for the Gandhi family ( as has been alleged in case of Pratibha Patil). Giani Zail Singh could not even speak coherently in public. The current President is as impressive as a wet cardboard box and is only known for racking up huge travel bills and helping her son build up his fortune. Of course, another qualification is that the candidate cement the secular credentials of the Congress. It is sickening. Why do we have to have a Muslim or some other minority in the President’ chair? The noise from the likes of Mulayam Yadav and the Communists is amazing. One needs to ask if Mulayam Yadav would ever consider a Muslim leader as a Chief Minister of UP? If not, then why is he hell bent on imposing one on the nation especially some pliant Gandhi Family loyalist like Hamid Ansari?
Indian President is a rubber stamp and a farcical leader. That post is being made into a bigger farce by our political parties with their selfish agendas and brazen pseudo-secularism. Of course I should grow a tail before expecting our leaders to do the right thing.